El Candelero Bay

Your Yacht Experience Concierge

El Candelero Bay

Candelero Bay sits on the western coast of Espiritu Santo Island. It is just south of its separation from La Partida Island. This small inlet is distinguished by its rugged terrain. The rock formations are result of a mountain range that extends into the sea. They give rise to a series of rocky islets that punctuate the crystalline waters until culminating in a grand islet. The shallow waters of brilliant turquoise beckon adventurers to immerse themselves in the splendor of this coastal paradise. Here are some words on El Candelero Bay,

What to expect

As visitors arrive at Candelero Bay, they are greeted by a breathtaking tableau of natural beauty. The tranquil waters teem with fish of all sizes. Their vibrant hues dancing beneath the surface, while the soft white sands offer a serene oasis for relaxation and reflection. Framed by the rugged cliffs that encircle El Candelero, the bay exudes an aura of tranquility and enchantment.

What to do

Amidst the verdant landscape, visitors can explore a thriving mangrove area. Here lush vegetation thrives in the cold waters. Nearby, a dry waterfall cascades down rocky cliffs. Its silent presence reminds us of the ever-changing forces of nature. Towering wild fig trees dot the shoreline. Their sprawling branches offering shade and refuge to weary travelers seeking respite from the sun-drenched skies above. Among the rugged terrain, an incredible hanging rock defies gravity, suspended precariously above the azure waters below, a testament to the power of erosion and time.

As travelers venture further inland, they encounter two sandy sandbanks. Each one offers a unique vista of the surrounding coastline. The northeastern sandbank, in particular, presents an ideal location for camping, offering an uninterrupted view of the starlit sky above and the tranquil waters stretching out to the horizon. Additionally, the cove boasts striking rock formations, including the renowned “Mascara,” a natural wonder with an anthropomorphic figure that captivates the imagination and inspires awe in all who behold its unique beauty.

El Candelero Bay: Mind the fauna

Within the expansive 9,000 hectares of the Espiritu Santo Archipelago, a diverse array of flora and fauna thrives, creating a rich tapestry of biodiversity. In addition to the abundant marine life that inhabits the surrounding waters, the archipelago is home to a variety of reptiles, birds, and five species of mammals. Among these, notable species include the elusive ring-tailed cat, known locally as the babisurí, and the ground squirrel, affectionately referred to as the “juancito.” Moreover, the archipelago boasts the presence of the black hare, a species endemic to the island that adds to its ecological significance. As visitors explore the vast expanse of the Espiritu Santo Archipelago, they are treated to a fascinating glimpse into the intricate web of life that thrives within its pristine ecosystems.