
Your Yacht Experience Concierge


Climb the Ancient Ruins of Coba

Coba is not like any other ancient Mayan city. Rather than a single settlement, it is composed of many. Stone and white roads connect everything to the central—and huge—pyramid. Visiting Coba, you’ll truly see a place like no other. How Coba got to be Coba It is a fact of life nobody can live without…
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The Moated City of Becan

There’s a general rule when it comes to motes: if you need one, you’re probably fighting a lot of wars. Becan might seem peaceful at first, but its unusual mote betrays that initial impression. In reality, it had a complicated history with its rival Tikal, in Guatemala. Complicated and violent, as its defensive measures show.…
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Muyil, the Beginning of an Impressive Settlement

Generally speaking, there seem to be two kinds of Mayan ruins along the Yucatan Peninsula. Some, in the middle of cities and towns, are impossible to miss. You can walk right by the others, buried deep in the jungle, without ever knowing there’s a huge settlement behind the tree line. Muyil belongs to this second…
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Tulum Ruins: History With a View

If you’ve heard of the Riviera Maya, chances are you’ve heard of Tulum. Its ruins are the most visited in the whole of the Yucatan Peninsula, and the views of the turquoise ocean below seem to be taken right out of someone’s fantasy. Trust us—there’s a reason we named our company after this place. Tulum’s…
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Uxmal in Yucatan: Come for the Pyramid. Stay for the Light Show.

Uxmal in Yucatan is another one of those places in the Yucatan Peninsula that you’ve probably heard mentioned more than once. With a population of around 20,000, it used to be one of the largest cities here. As you can guess, there’s quite a lot to see here. It is one of the most important…
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El Rey Ruins

El Rey: A Bite-Sized Archeological Site

This is not the biggest archeological site in the Riviera Maya, for sure, but El Rey’s location—right in the middle of Cancun’s hotel zone—might be its biggest advantage. It’s a great place to see if you want to do a little bit of everything or you’re planning to go to other, bigger sites, like Chichen…
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Discover Kohunlich

Kohunlich. This is it. Surrounded by jungle, moss growing on the rocks, and the many sounds of the animals hiding among the vegetation, this is the image you get when you think of lost ancient ruins. But don’t dust off your fedora hat and whip just yet. Thanks to modernity, you only need a comfy…
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Yaxchilan Has a Story to Tell

It seems that all the settlements along the Usumacinta River were destined to do two things: become large and important, and fight it out forever. Yaxchilan is another of these cities along the shores of the river that’s also home to Bonampak and Palenque. Sure, it has big and impressive structures like the others, but…
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The Giant Serpent Mouth at Chicanna

It’s hard not to overuse the word “mystical” when you’re describing Mayan archeological sites. It’s even harder not to use it here, as Chicanna was almost exclusively dedicated to the worship of gods, as is obvious by its various temples. Oh, and by that door that forms a gigantic fanged snake’s mouth that led to…
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Standing in Uxmal’s Shadow: Kabah, Labna and Sayil

Standing in the shadow of Uxmal—in more ways than one—lie three smaller archeological zones: Sayil, Labna, and Kabah. Though their buildings show a lot of similarities, they were established at three different times. The only common denominator is their devotion to the god of rain, Chac. Any visit to Uxmal might not feel quite complete…
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