Swim and row at The Silvituc Lagoon

Your Yacht Experience Concierge

Swim and row at The Silvituc Lagoon

The Silvituc Lagoon, also known as Laguna Noh, is one of the largest lagoons in Campeche. With dimensions of approximately 1,500 meters in length and 600 meters in width, it is an ideal spot for nature lovers to take a break from their daily routines and connect with the environment.

Its shallow depth makes it an excellent location for water-based activities, such as kayaking and fishing. The tranquil atmosphere of the lagoon makes it an ideal spot for relaxation and meditation, with the picturesque scenery creating a serene backdrop for unwinding. Here’s a little guide of the Silvituc Lagoon.

The Silvituc Lagoon: What to expect

Silvituc Lagoon is a safe place for ecotourism as motorboats are not allowed, but visitors can rent cayucos (one-piece boats steered and driven by oars) to explore the lagoon.

One of the most popular activities in Silvituc Lagoon is swimming. Despite its shallow depth, it is a great place to practice swimming with family and friends. Fishing is another popular activity due to the diverse range of species of crustaceans, mollusks, and fish in the lagoon. Visitors can also take a trip to the nearby Mayan archaeological vestiges. The area is home to small Mayan vestiges, and the nearby communities are Mayan-speaking. Some of the most notable vestiges include Balam-Ku, Chicanná, Becán, and Xpujil.

Visit the town nearby

Nestled among chicozapotes, lianas, and fine wood trees, the village of Silvituc is a picturesque and rustic village in Campeche. The houses in this region are typical of the area, built with red adobe and huano roofs that help keep them cool.

For those seeking a break from daily life, Silvituc is the perfect place to camp, swim, and fish.

The Silvituc Lagoon: How to get there

To reach the Silvituc Lagoon, the largest inland lagoon in Campeche, you will need to travel approximately 83 miles southeast of Champotón and 32 miles east of Escárcega via highway number 186 (Escárcega-Chetumal). Starting from Campeche, take the 112-mile-long highway 180 to Champotón, then continue on the Champotón-Escárcega highway through San Pablo Pixtún until you reach Escárcega. From there, take the Escárcega-Chetumal highway on highway 186, and you will arrive at your destination after a 40-minute drive.