Little Cenote Guide

Small, huge, enclosed, open-air, public and private. In the Yucatan Peninsula there are dozens of cenotes to discover. Obviously one trip is not enough, so sadly we have to choose. Here is a little cenote guide for your convenience.
Gran Cenote
Starting point: Tulum
One of the most famous cenotes is the Gran Cenote. The five kilometers from Tulum can easily be done by bike. In the two pools, fish, turtles and underwater stalagmites await you.
Little Cenote Guide: Cenote Ik’kil
Starting point: Chichén Itzá
Welcome to the Jungle! Amidst hanging lianas, enjoy the cool refreshment of this magical place. Indeed, many tour buses also stop here and fill the cenote with crowds of tourists at peak times. So, better stop by early!
Double cenote X’keken & Samula
Starting point: Valladolid
These impressive stalactite caves take you to another world, while some light still falls on the turquoise water surface through a small hole in the ceiling. Indeed, it is simply magical. The best way to visit the double cenote is with a combination ticket, which you can get directly at the entrance.
Little Cenote Guide: Cenote Yal’ku
Starting point: Akumal
In this cenote, fresh and salt water mix, which is why you will find many species of fish and turtles. Snorkel tours and rentals are available on site.
Little Cenote Guide: Cenote Kankirixché
Starting point: Merida
A real insider tip! This cenote is a bit remote and can only be reached by a two kilometer dirt road through the forest – but it’s worth it! A narrow wooden staircase leads down to the crystalline water and with a bit of luck you can enjoy the mystical atmosphere completely alone.
Cenote Suytun
Starting point: Valladolid
A special cenote – and also an insider tip! In the middle of the subterranean lake leads a stone footbridge, which is bathed in sunlight at midday. Presumably the Maya held ceremonies here. There are also free-roaming peacocks on the grounds – so absolutely worth a visit! Mayan culture can be found all over Yucatan – and not just underground! Find out now which ancient buildings you can’t miss!