The Castle in Chichen Itza: A Marvel of Mayan Architecture

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The Castle in Chichen Itza: A Marvel of Mayan Architecture

The Castle, or El Castillo, is undoubtedly the most iconic structure within the ancient Mayan city of Chichen Itza. This magnificent pyramid has captivated visitors for centuries. Its architectural brilliance and historical significance have earned it a place on UNESCO’s World Heritage List. Also, the title of a New7Wonders of the World. Here are some words about the Castle of Chichen Itza.

A Symbol of Mayan Power and Spirituality

The Castle is a towering structure of limestone. It stands as a testament to the advanced engineering and artistic skills of the ancient Mayans. Its pyramid-shaped design has nine levels representing the nine underworld levels. This is a reflection of Mayan cosmology and beliefs.

The Castle in Chichen Itza. Dimensions and Construction

The Castle measures approximately 42 meters (138 feet) in height. It also has a base of 55 meters (180 feet) on each side. The Maya may have started its construction using a combination of stone blocks and mortar. This, with the outer layers being more intricately carved and decorated.

The 91 Steps and the Equinox Phenomenon

One of the most fascinating aspects of the Castle is the 91 steps leading to its summit. These steps divide into two sections, with 52 steps on the north side and 39 on the south. This arrangement is significant because 52 is the number of years in the Mayan calendar cycle, while 39 represents the number of days in a solar year.

During the spring and autumn equinoxes, a spectacular phenomenon occurs at the Castle. The setting sun casts a series of shadows on the western facade, creating the illusion of a serpent descending the steps. This representation of Kukulcan, the feathered serpent deity, is a testament to the Mayans’ astronomical knowledge and their ability to incorporate celestial events into their architecture.

The Castle in Chichen Itza. Discovery and Preservation

The Castle was rediscovered by Spanish conquistadors in the 16th century, but it was largely forgotten until the early 19th century when it was re-explored by archaeologists. Since then, extensive research and preservation efforts have been undertaken to protect this valuable historical site.

A Modern Wonder of the World

In 2007, the Castle at Chichen Itza was officially named one of the New7Wonders of the World, a recognition of its global significance and cultural impact. This designation has further solidified its status as a must-see destination for travelers from around the world.

The Castle at Chichen Itza is a marvel of Mayan architecture that continues to inspire awe and wonder. Its intricate design, astronomical significance, and historical importance make it a truly unforgettable experience for visitors.