Tren Maya: Section 2

Your Yacht Experience Concierge

Tren Maya: Section 2

This railway stretches from Escarcega to Calkini in Campeche, showcasing the region’s diverse landscapes and rich cultural heritage. This segment of the railway plays a crucial role in connecting the heart of Campeche, enhancing travel and economic opportunities for local communities. Here are some tips on the Tren Maya: Section 2.

Escarcega: The Gateway to Greater Adventures

Escárcega ends Section 1 and starts Section 2 of the Tren Maya, serving as a key hub in Campeche. Known for its strategic location, Escárcega also offers natural beauty and access to nearby ecological reserves. From here, travelers can explore the diverse landscapes and cultural richness of Section 2.

Tren Maya: Section 2. Edzna, a glimpse into the Mayan Civilization

Edzná, near the city of Campeche, is a highlight of Section 2. This ancient Mayan city is famous for its impressive “Edificio de los Cinco Pisos.” Visitors can explore this grand site, marvel at the urban layouts, and learn about its advanced water systems. Edzná offers a profound glimpse into Mayan civilization and is a portal to the past.

Tren Maya: Section 2: Tenabo

Tenabo is a charming town with rich history and culture. Known for its colonial architecture and crafts, it keeps Campeche’s traditions alive. Visitors can explore workshops, taste traditional cuisine, and engage with friendly locals eager to share their heritage. Tenabo offers a refreshing, genuine experience of daily life in Campeche, contrasting with more tourist-heavy spots.

Hecelchakan: The Heart of Artisan Craftsmanship

As the train nears Hecelchakán, travelers enter a hub of artisan craftsmanship. The town is famous for its pottery and woodwork, showcasing local artistry. Visitors can tour workshops and watch artisans, gaining insight into traditional skills. Hecelchakán’s peaceful plazas and colonial churches make it an ideal stop to unwind and enjoy Campeche’s slower pace of life.

This part of the train does more than just connect geographical points. It weaves together a tapestry of cultural narratives, historical insights, and artisan traditions. This section promises adventures that are both enriching and inspiring.