San Juan Bautista Tabí: a Mayan and Puuc wonder

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San Juan Bautista Tabí: a Mayan and Puuc wonder

The former Hacienda de San Juan Bautista Tabi sits 10 miles from the Ticuleño police station of Yotholin. Here you can admire buildings of great historical value. Such as the main house of what was in the 19th century a cattle ranch where a sugar empire later flourished.

It has a typical structure of a cattle ranch with a main house, the chapel and the living quarters. In the surrounding area there are Mayan vestiges and fauna in danger of extinction. It belongs to the state government to develop an eco-archaeological recovery project. Since 1994 it is a Natural Protected Area, with an area of 3300 acres.

San Juan Bautista Tabí: What to expect

Two lateral stairways allow access to the upper part. It has an unroofed and semi-destroyed chapel and a large pond or water tank. The Hacienda is in the south of the state, in the center of the Puuc Zone. You can access from the town of Oxkutzcab to the south.

The worlds collide

The spatial distribution of the haciendas had a clear influence. The indigenous conception of the site permanently linked the house and the land. Thus, the main house is inside the land, in a preferential space. It is also linked to the exterior, never outside or close to it. The henequen hacienda receives this structural legacy. It will add new elements according to the demands of the manual and industrial process of agave.

If you travel through this area, you will surely enjoy the wide range of citrus and other fruits that are produced in the small towns in the surrounding area and end up being offered in the Oxkutzcab market.

San Juan Bautista Tabí: Location

Hacienda San Juan Bautista Tabi is located in the Mexican state of Yucatán, approximately 50 miles south of the capital Mérida.