Stand on the Edge of Mexico at Media Luna Beach

Your Yacht Experience Concierge

Stand on the Edge of Mexico at Media Luna Beach

If it’s a secluded spot you’re looking for, it really can’t get any more secluded than Media Luna Beach. Not only is it at the edge of Isla Mujeres; at the edge of Quintana Roo and the Riviera Maya—at Media Luna Beach, you’re standing right at the edge of Mexico.

Where is Media Luna Beach?

You can’t swim in the ocean in Media Luna Beach, but if you could, and had infinite stamina, you’d reach Cuba. That’s because Media Luna, on the island of Isla Mujeres, the easternmost tip of the Yucatan Peninsula, faces east.

It’s not difficult to get here from the mainland, though: just take the ferry and travel north either by car, public transport, bike, or on your feet. Because of Isla Mujeres’ reduced size, Media Luna is surrounded by all kinds of restaurants, hotels, and other beaches, many of which are within walking distance.

The Beach and its sea turtles

As we mentioned before, this beach faces east, which means open waters. But here, the ocean suddenly flows into a small inlet, making the beach look like a half-moon, giving it its name: “media luna” means half-moon.

Because swimming is not allowed at Media Luna, it doesn’t get very crowded. Visitors are mainly looking to spend some quiet time resting, reading, or just listening to the waves crash against the coast.

Media Luna is also an important spot from the ecological point of view, as it’s a sea turtle nesting place. At certain months of the year, you’ll see conservationists walking up and down the beach late at night, checking out the nests.

Hotels Secreto and Playa la Media Luna

Two hotels share the Media Luna beach: Secreto and Playa la Media Luna. They’re both small and comfortable, perfect to stay a few days.

The larger of the two, the pool at Playa Media Luna is right at the edge of the property, giving guests a view of the ocean while they’re swimming. More akin to a spa, in Secreto, guests can enjoy the same view from a deck chair on a terrace. Whichever you choose, relaxation is pretty much guaranteed.

For more information on Secreto visit