Xtacumbilxunaan caves: will you cross the threshold?

Its name means “place of the hidden woman”. It was a sacred place for the Mayas. Here you can appreciate stalagmite and stalactite formations. It also has “The witch’s balcony”, where you can observe the formation of a vault with a hole through which a beam of light enters. The caves are one of the most important in the Yucatan Peninsula. This, due to the almost vertical arrangement of some of their chambers. Here are some tips on the Xtacumbilxunaan Caves.
Xtacumbilxunaan Caves: what to expect
The Xtacumbilxunaan Caves have an extension of 656 feet and the entrance is between 50 and 65 feet; to enter it is necessary to descend a staircase. Once you cross the threshold, you will experience the imposing magic of the place.
Before the pandemic, the three floors and 40 chambers of the caves were available. You could do the tour in an hour and a half. However, there is still no information on how the entrance and tour will be organized in this new reality.
Some history
Xtacumbilxunaan is formed by two Mayan words. Xtacumbil, which means that it is kept and Xunaan, which means woman, lady, so its closest translation would be “place of the hidden woman”. The Mayan used the caves as ceremonial temples or burial places like Xtacumbilxunaan in Campeche.
The legend of the caves
Legend has it that many years ago Timot hid his daughter Lol-Be in the caves to avoid the romance she had with Dzulin. He, in spite of that, was able to find and rescue her. But because of the promise she had made to her mother, she decided to return to the caves. And then take the form of a woman carrying a baby. Lastly, to turn into stone. If you visit the caves, it won’t take you long to recognize the figure of Lol-Be, she is perfectly molded.
The tours of the Xtacumbilxunaan Caves
Currently, there are short tours inside the caves, where you can observe the different stalagmites and stalactites that have been formed thanks to the constant circulation of water and that have formed approximately 30 figures.
The tours are suitable for the whole family, since, unlike other caves, the time of stay is decided by each person, it is estimated that the ideal time is between 40 minutes and an hour.
Inside the caves you will be able to enjoy a well illuminated path with different colors that change during your tour. You can either listen to the explanation of a guide or listen to the ambient sound that has been adapted for this tour.
Access fee
The cost for the caves is MXN $50 per person.
This attraction is open from 9 am to 5 pm from Monday to Sunday.