Tenabo stop in the Maya Train route

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Tenabo stop in the Maya Train route

The Maya Train project is set to make a stop at Tenabo town in Campeche. It will give travelers a unique opportunity. The chance to immerse themselves in the vibrant and alive Mayan culture. Yes: it may be a smaller stop compared to other stations. But Tenabo holds immense cultural significance and charm. Visitors will have the chance to interact with the local community. Also, witness traditional Mayan practices, and experience their rich heritage firsthand. Here are some words on the Tenabo stop in the Maya Train route.

Tenabo stop in the Maya Train route: A little history

Tenabo means “place where it is measured by palmos or quarters”. Its roots are “ti”: “place” and “nab”: ” palm”. The town of Tenabo is very attractive. Especially for the customs of its people. The locals, every afternoon, gather in the park while enjoying the tranquility of this picturesque town.

Tenabo stop in the Maya Train route: Some attractions

Among its civil and archaeological architectural attractions, the most important are the following: The ex hacienda Sa n Antonio Hom, which is a building of stone, wood, bricks, earth and metal built in the early twentieth century.In the town of Kaki are located the archaeological sites “La Xoch” and “Chun Cedro”, dating from the period 600 BC to 980 AD.

The May Fair

Among its main events is the celebration of the great power of God or the great power of the Divine Face. This celebration takes place from May 4 to 18 with handicraft and agricultural expositions, mechanical games, sports events, bullfights, commercial fair, popular dances, vaquerías, fireworks and the traditional vaquerías, which in this place are among the most colorful and crowded in the state.

Buy a hammock

The artisans of Tenabo make hammocks and are dedicated to the production of beautiful and eye-catching traditional costumes of the state, such as the huipil, the “ternos” and embroidered blouses.