Xcalumkin in Campeche: a Mayan time capsule

Your Yacht Experience Concierge

Xcalumkin in Campeche: a Mayan time capsule

Xcalumkin stands as a testament to the rich cultural heritage of the Mayan civilization. It offers a captivating journey through time. It invites you to unravel the secrets of the past, delve into the depths of history, and forge a connection with a civilization that left an indelible mark on the landscape. The ruins are around 45.5 miles from Campeche. In this place you’ll find yourself transported to a realm of ancient wonders and profound historical significance. Here are some tips on Xcalumkin in Campeche.

What to expect

The name “Xcalumkin” holds a mystical allure. The explorer Teobert Maler named it in the 1880s during his explorations of the Mayan world. Its translation is “double good earth exposed to the Sun”. Here you will find some architectural marvels and intricate details. All of them bear testament to the advanced engineering and astronomical knowledge of the Mayan civilization.

Xcalumkin in Campeche: ruins everywhere

Every step you take within the Xcalumkin ruins reveals a treasure trove of fascinating discoveries. The site is renowned for its abundance of glyphic texts. Puuc men carved them intricately into the stone facades of the structures. These intricate inscriptions offer a glimpse into the rich tapestry of Mayan culture. They also reveal the profound intellectual and artistic achievements of this ancient civilization.

This sprawling archaeological site stretches across the horizon, with some of its magnificent structures nestled atop the gentle slopes of the surrounding hills. Here, amidst this captivating panorama, the true essence of the Puuc architectural style unfolds.

How to get there

To reach the site from Campeche, simply drive north on Highway 180 until you reach Hecelchaken. From there, take the Cumpech cross road east for approximately 8.5 miles (13.5 km). Look for a blue pyramid sign, which indicates the turnoff onto a dirt side road. Travel south on this road for just 0.6 miles (1 km) until you reach the entrance of the site.

HOURS:8 A.M.-5 P.M, everyday
GUIDES: none on site
SERVICES: Bathrooms, Service kiosk