Tag: campeche

Your Yacht Experience Concierge


Calakmul: A Fortress Hidden in the Jungle

A UNESCO World Heritage site of 27 square miles and over six thousand structures, Calakmul can’t be seen in its entirety in a single day. It takes several to cover all its structures, sites, and wonders of engineering. Because of that, this is the main attraction for global archeological enthusiasts. Calakmul’s conflictive past Calakmul’s relationship…
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Balamku: Where Kings and Jaguars Roam

Don’t think just because Balamku is small you should skip it in favor of other, bigger ruins. Despite its size, this ancient site in Campeche hides one of the most valuable treasures the Mayans left for us to find. Balamku’s Jaguar Close to another, more famous archeological site—Calakmul—, Balamku only features three small groups of…
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