Garden of Eden Cenote: There’s Space for Everybody

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Garden of Eden Cenote: There’s Space for Everybody

If a cenote is called Garden of Eden, you know it must be something special, right? Well, it turns out, it is. Conveniently on one of the most popular cenote routes in the Riviera Maya, Garden of Eden has something for everybody, whether that’s rest, thrills, or adventure under the surface.

Where is the Eden Cenote?

What’s a cenote route? You know the Riviera Maya, is up to its elbows in cenotes, right? As some are close together along the same route, you can visit several in a single day. The Cancun-Tulum Highway is one of the most popular, as that’s where some of the most popular cenotes are, including the Garden of Eden cenote. Two others, Cristalino and Azul, are even in the same complex, and you can walk between them.

The Facilities at Eden Cenote

Out of the three, Eden is the farthest away from the highway. As they don’t share transportation or anything of the sort, you’ll have to cover the distance on foot if you don’t have a car. No biggie, though; it’s not far.

Contrary to its sister cenotes, Eden doesn’t have much in terms of facilities. Life jacket rental, bathrooms, showers—that’s pretty much it. No snack bar or food place of any kind, though there’s a small, shaded picnic area. Oh, there’s a massage parlor.

Inside the enormous Eden

If there’s something about Eden that sets it apart from other cenotes it has to be its size. It’s an enormous open cenote surrounded by jungle vegetation. There are several access points around its large perimeter. In some, you can walk right up to it and ease yourself into the water. In others, you can jump into the water from high platforms—and continue to do so all day.

Its depth varies quite a lot, too. In some areas, the rocks stack up to the surface, making it possible to sit on them to rest and absorb the sun. In others it’s so deep that it’s regularly visited by groups of divers.

Garden of Eden’s size has one more advantage over other cenotes: they can get quite crowded, but this cenote is so large, there’s space for quite a lot of people.